Dear Diary,

Very interesting developments going on in the fishtank! I decided to go and give it a look today since Silho's been taking some time to be alone. And boy oh boy, it looks like I've missed out on alot of stuff while I was kissing my boyfriend!
First of all, the fishtank isn't pitch black now! OZUKEIM actually took the time to decorate it, it seems! There's wallpape AND furniture! Kind of interesting how he's doing all of this after his main projects have concluded, though. I wonder, is that girl really so important?

Oh, right! The girl! I almost forgot to mention that. OZUKEIM put this random little girl in the fishtank. Unlike the others, she doesn't seem to be a mannequin, or taken from the corpse box (which surprisingly still has a few non-rotten ones). Additionally, she doesn't move. At all. Aside from the mouth movements she does when talking, I haven't seen her move a singular muscle. It creeps me the fuck out, honestly. I don't like her.

Apparently her name is Ayane and she's being put in there as a "personal request" for someone. Or atleast that's what OZUKEIM told me. He didn't tell me who that someone was though. Even after blabbering on so much about "going independent", he's still taking requests from people he won't even tell me the names of. Bastard. Who knows, maybe he'll start talking to the air again, too! Asshole!! I wish he didn't hide shit from me all the time, man! He's my boss! He commands what I do for most of my life! Most he could do is be honest with me for once!!!

...My personal problems aside, I took a picture of the new fish tank! I kind of lie how it looks now, honestly. Here's a picture (ignore the baby):

Hopefully I'll learn more about this new and improved fish tank as time goes on. I hate having stuff hidden from me!!! Auhgghh!!!!

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