Dear Diary,
There's only one word to describe today, and it's GROSS!
For a while, I've been pretty used to OZUKEIM's little fish-tank room being boring as fuck. After checking on it countless times and seeing nothing but mindless mannequins walking around, I sorta just learnt to expect nothing from it. Sure, there were sometimes other things in there, like replicas of humans, but those also did nothing but just walk around. Today, though, today was different.
I know I shouldn't be surprised, considering we never really got rid of those corpses from the cleanup a few weeks back, but holy shit it took me for surprise. It was, unsurprisingly, indeed one of the corpses from the cleanup too. A small kid with grey skin and stuff. I can't really discern anything aside from that due to how damaged the body is, though. Whoever killed him was MAD mad.
Everything else aside from the kid is just gone, for some reason. All the cameras, all the walking mannequins, everything. There's nothing left in there except the kid. Looks like OZUKEIM's planning to do something with him. Wonder how that's gonna end out!
(It's probably gonna be really disgusting.)