Dear Diary,
I'm tiiiired. Infact, I think this is the first time in my life I'm feeling actual physical exhaustion.
Back when I was SONYATA, I wouldn't ever feel fatigue due to how ripped I was. I kind of miss it! As fun as it is actually having to challenge myself while doing things, soreness hurts like a bitch once the fun is over. I can't even go to bed properly without feeling like my body is melting from all sides!
As for what the job itself, we finally got rid of all the dead bodies so OZUKEIM could start his project. Thing is, destroying them completely turned out to be extremely tiring and took way too long for it to be worth it. So we just stuffed all of the bodies in a box and shelved it off somewhere. Who knows, maybe we'll find something to do with them in the future!
OZUKEIM's project is, uh.. weird. I don't really get what he's trying to do right now. He sort of just.. flattened the entire world? Like, just turned it all into one big green void. Then, instead of doing anything with that green void, he just built a room in the middle of it with a bunch of clones of himself walking around. There's also alot of cameras installed into the room. Like, alot. Hell, I was even able to get access to one of them and take a picture of the room! Check this out!
It's literally just a black room! Whenever I ask OZUKEIM about what it's for, he just says that it's some sort of "long term project" or whatever. Annoying!! Plus, he's always up to some weird stuff nowadays, too. Keeps talking to the air and referring to it as "WHITENOISE". But when I try to do the same, nothing actually hapens! I'm half-convinced he's just doing it because he knows I can see him and he's just fucking with me! Asswipe!!