Dear Diary,
OZUKEIM finally gave me a proper job!! I've been doing nothing but filing paperwork and arranging groceries for WEEKS since splitting! It's not tiring, sure, but it's BORING! And I'd rather a tiring but fun job than an easy but boring job! Life gets too repetitive when everything is boring, yeah?!
As for the job itself, apparently it's some sort of janitor work. Sure, that doesn't sound too exciting, but after this absolute slog of a few weeks I'll take literally ANYTHING! I want to get out of my room for once, and do something other than bring in more documents into my room!! I don't really know the specifics to the janitor job, but apparently OZUKEIM found some sort of "empty world" and he wants to clean up the remains so that he can build over it. Reason he wants my help instead of just whooshing it all away? There's apparently corpses everywhere, and he doesn't like touching 'em, even with magic. Yeah, the world is apparently empty because everyone in it seems to have suddenly died. OZUKEIM speculates that it hasn't even been a week since it happened! Does weird me out though, how come he's so sure it's completely empty if it hasn't even been a week since the genocide? What if someone lived? What then? You just build over their house??
Well, yeah. I guess that's exactly what he's going to do. He's always been a bit of a selfish asshole, admittedly. I suppose I have no choice other than to do my job though. What am I supposed to do, stop him? The dude's miles stronger than I am, especially now that I'm no longer SONYATA! And even if I was SONYATA, he's still (likely) my creator, which means I was literally born as an extension OF him! How can I rebel against him properly when I AM him?? Doesn't make sense!
Well, a job's a job. I'll just see what I can do of the situation for now.
On an unrelated note, I made myself a gaming setup! Check it out!