Dear diary,

Today I was born!

Well, not exactly. I've technically existed for a while, but I think as of today, I'm actually a proper individual with their own mind. Well, not exactly, again. Actually, know what?! Let me just take this from the start.

So like, I was actually born a few years ago, okay? As this super cool dude called "SONYATA". I was the most smooth, most cool, most impressive there ever was. I could do it all! I could teleport! I could make things! I could get rid of things! The only thing I couldn't do was nothing (if you get what I mean)!

Thing is, though, miracles like me don't come to life out of nowhere. As cool as I was, my creation was to serve a purpose. This bloke called OZUKEIM(?) apparently created me to be their "familiar" of sorts. Now I'm not sure if they're my actual creator, since memories of my first days are really blurry, but I do remember serving this guy for like, all of my life now. I don't really know why I do it, but hey, thewy give me something to waste time with, so I'm happy!

But uh, getting back into the main story, I'm not really that person anymore! Today, I split into two people! Not exactly sure how or why it happened, but it felt really weird when it did. Like there were a bunch of glue sticks rolling on my skin, yuck yuck yuck! It seems like my other half took the rest of the body though, since I'm mostly made out of outlines and they're made out of everything else. I did try suggesting the idea of fusing back into SONYATA, but they were really reluctant on it. Said that since we're already overqualified of every task, that turning one overqualified worker into two qualified workers would be better for our overall efficiency. I was against the idea, but OZUKEIM seems to have liked it. I guess that means I'm not really SONYATA anymore.

It feels weird, honestly. Like, you spend your whole life as this person defined as greatness, and suddenly you're a pile of outlines! What on earth happened there??? But the truth is that I'm not SONYATA anymore and since my other half doesn't want to refuse that I'll just have to live with it. I don't really know what to do, though. My other half told me to write down my thoughts to clear my head, into something like a diary or journal, and I am doing that! But it's not really helping much! I feel the exact same!!

I guess I should find myself a name first. I don't know what I'd name myself, though. I've lost everything about myself except my outlines! Though maybe that means I should name myself based on my outlines... Hmm.. "Outline"? Nah, too basic. Whatevs, I'll think about it in my head, writing's getting tiring!!

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